How To Manage Your Time As A Student & Performer!
I get it! You wake up fully committed to your responsibilities but you still feel that your day is slipping through your fingers. You feel like your day is happening but you can’t grasp it! Not to mention, you’re probably feeling unbalanced and malnourished. Term paper is due. There’s a test in your math or science class and you’ve got tons of reading to complete before rehearsal at the theater! You love your major and performing but you can’t enjoy it because all you feel is the acceleration of time. First, you’re not the only one. Second, give yourself a hug for committing to your tasks, even if you believe that you’re screwing up. News Flash- you’re NOT! Instead you’re showing for yourself and that’s to be commended. You came here not by accident, but on purpose! So let’s get to it!
Now, remember you can’t control time but you can organize how you spend it. The key factor in time management is identifying what you want and what you need to get there. There are 24 hours in a day. 8 of which you should be resting and 8 for your school and rehearsal days. Let’s say that you want to eat healthier in between classes and rehearsals. You MUST write out a daily schedule including the days and time of your typical day. You will then write your tasks for each hour. It may seem tedious, if you’re new at this, but managing your time is like budgeting your money- it takes practice and time! You’ll be happy you did- that’s why you’re here, right? Don’t get stuck on the big picture of what you’re trying to accomplish that you neglect attending to the small steps that equally provide fulfillment. For example, when creating your schedule you’ll write: Monday 5:30 AM - 11:00PM and leave space next to each hour so you can fill in your tasks for that hour. Insert the time you need to eat and then put a reminder in your phone. When your alarm goes off, eat! It’s that simple. Apply that same principle to the difficult tasks of the day so you can be fully present in what each moment requires of you. Managing your time will aid you in feeling your life rather than just the emotions that emerge from unorganized time.
Remember, this will require focus. Time is something that you can never get back, so empower yourself with these tips and spend your time wisely! You GOT this! Now go smash those goals!
Written By: SADE E. MOORE™